Why hire a Marketing Agency?

When you started your business, marketing likely wasn’t your first thought. You concentrated on how to provide the best services and products. You worried about finding good people to help you in that task.

Now you are ready for more customers. Getting new customers is one of the biggest challenges that businesses face on a daily basis.

Marketing plays a critical role in attracting new customers to your company, but should you do the marketing yourself, hire a marketing employee or get outside help?

All companies need an effective, well thought out and executed marketing plan. While most companies understand the need for a strategic marketing plan, few understand what it is or how to implement one. A marketing agency will work with you to create and implement a successful marketing plan. This will result in lead generation for your business that can then be turned into sales, putting you on a path toward business growth

The advent of internet search and the explosion of social media networks have changed the way that companies must reach their target prospects and communicate how they can help them solve their problems.

This means that companies need to ensure that their messages are well executed and have websites that are easily found on the internet and will covert their visitors into leads. In other words, an inbound marketing process.

Below are some of the elements that make up a “modern marketing strategy”:

Website development and redesign
Graphic design work
SEO/keyword research
Metrics and data analysis
Market research
Brochure development and production
Content development
Targeted email creation
Social media marketing
Print marketing

Doing it yourself

Many entrepreneurs have been ingrained with a “Do-It-Yourself” (DIY) mentality, which means they try to complete these tasks without the aid of paid specialists. However, the time and effort it would take for the owner to successfully carry out a modern marketing strategy would certainly impact the business

The learning curve for anyone with little experience in marketing is staggering and would challenge a busy entrepreneur to create a complete and effective marketing strategy. Even if you devoted the time necessary to learn all of these marketing elements, you would have little time to run your business.

There’s an opportunity cost to everything. Every moment you are spending trying to do your own marketing is time you are not spending on income generating activities in your business.

As an up-and-coming business owner, you’ll be forced to wear several hats when getting your business off the ground. Generally speaking, this will almost include tackling aspects of the business you’re unfamiliar with, such as branding and digital marketing. With only so much time in the day, it’s important your marketing approach doesn’t suffer from time restraints or inexperience. Hiring a marketing agency can easily solve this dilemma.

A full-service marketing agency provides substantial value to small, medium, and large businesses. They strive to build cohesive and effective brands, put organizations in front of their customers and audience, and drive sales through awareness.

“Marketing is not an event, but a process: It has a beginning, a middle, but never an end, for it is a process. You improve it, perfect it, change it, even pause it. But you never stop it completely.”

-Jay Conrad Levinson

Internal or External?

in-house vs outsourcing

While there is no industry standard, the going rate in most markets for an experienced inbound agency starts in the $3,000 to $5,000 range in terms of monthly spend. While that may seem like a large number, in comparison to the opportunity cost of DIY, or the pure allocation of funds toward building internal staff, this is a relative bargain.

Are you ready for Marketing Expertise at your fingertips? Contact Us Today.

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